The Early Years Foundation Stage

The Early Years Foundation stage (EYFS) is the period of learning and development from ages 0-5. Children’s early years experiences should support their development, care and learning needs in a happy, active, exciting, fun and secure environment.

At Kiddy Kapers we use The Early Years Foundation Stage framework, which is a legal document to help support practitioners and children in Early Years settings. It is our aim to support children’s interests through thoughtful, planned observations of their individual needs. Parents are their child’s first educator and we understand that the partnership between home and nursery is essential in building good relationships and is paramount to the child’s learning. We document children’s learning via tapestry; an online learning journey. This allows both practitioners and parents to view and contribute to their child’s development throughout their time at Kiddy Kapers.

The EYFS has seven areas of learning. These are:

  • Personal, Social and Emotional development (PSED)
  • Communication and Language (C&L)
  • Physical development (PD)
  • Literacy (L)
  • Mathematical development (MD)
  • Understanding the World (UTW)
  • Expressive Arta and design (EAD)

Although each area of development is presented separately, practitioners view each child’s development holistically when carrying out observations. Practitioners also use their pre-existing knowledge of each child to carry out the next steps to develop children’s learning, supporting them through new experiences and helping them to progress.



Kiddy Kapers Daycare supports Tapestry. An online learning journal recording all the learning and fun of children's early years’ education.